What is upper blepharo
plasTy surgery?
It is performed to solve problems such as signs of aging on the upper eyelids, excess skin, bagging, and asymmetry. According to the needs of the patients, sagging skin, underlying muscle and fat tissue can be intervened.
How is surgery performed?
It is often performed under local anesthesia. A skin incision is made that passes through the upper eyelid crease . After the incision, the excess skin is removed. However, in some patients, excess muscle and adipose tissue should also be removed. Then skin incision is closed with absorble sutures and can heal easily.
It is carried out as a daily practice.
No need to stay in hospital
No bandages are required after surgery.
There may be mild pain. It can be easily controlled with painkillers.
Ice is applied intermittently for the first 48 hours.
From 2-3 days, edema and bruises decrease.
It is recommended to apply antibiotic ointment on the stitches for 1 week.
Check time
The 6th or 7th day is the check time.
Stitches are dissolves spontaneously within 1-3 weeks. Also, if there is the remaining part of the absorbed stitches, it can be removed.
You can return to your daily life usually within 3-7 days after the operation. Swelling and bruising are usually completely gone in 1 week.
You can apply make-up 4-5 days after the operation.
What is lower blepharo
plasty surgery?
It is performed to eliminate problems signs of aging on the lower eyelids such as excess skin, bagging, and asymmetry.
According to the needs of the patients, sagging skin, underlying muscle and fat tissue can be intervened.
How is surgery performed ?
It can be done with two methods: the skin approach, which includes an incision made just below the eyelashes in the lower eyelid, or the conjunctival approach, which includes an incision made through inside the lower eyelid.
In the first technique, the desired amount of skin, muscle and adipose tissue is removed from the lower eyelids, and the excess fat tissues that make up the herniation can be used to camouflage the groove-shaped depression (tear trough). In order to support the lower eyelid, subcutaneous permanent sutures can be used to suspend the lower eyelid margin, the skin incision is closed with absorble sutures.
The conjunctival approach (second technique) can be preferred mostly in patients who have herniation on the lower eyelids and do not have significant skin excess. Herniated and bagging fat tissue can be removed by this technique. No stitches are required at the end of the surgery.
Surgery can be performed as a daily practice with sedation anesthesia or general anesthesia.
No bandages are required after surgery.
There may be mild pain. It can be easily controlled with painkillers.
Medicines in the form of drops should be used for 1 week.
Icebag is applied intermittently for the first 48 hours.
In the first weeks, the lower eyelid can be massaged upwards and artificial tear drops can be used.
Edema and bruises decrease within 2-3 days.
It is recommended to apply antibiotic ointment on the stitches for 1 week.
Check time
The 6th or 7th day is the check time.
Stitches are dissolves spontaneously within 1-3 weeks. Also, if there is the remaining part of the absorbed stitches, it can be removed.
You can return to your daily life usually within 3-7 days after the operation. Swelling and bruising are usually completely gone in 1 week.
You can apply make-up 4-5 days after the operation.