(Deep Plane Facelift, Mid-face Lift)

Face lift (ritidectomy) can be defined as the correction of mid-face anatomical changes that occurs with age.
From the age of 20-25,
sagging of the fat tissues on the jaw, wiping of the jaw contours, loss of volume due to fat resorption occurs in the lower and middle of the face. In addition, adipose tissue hangs between the adherent ligaments, the middle face of the fat pad in the folds due to sagging also becomes clear and the jaw-neck between the angle can be blunted and neck bands may become apparent.
With the decrease in bone and fat tissues with aging, the skull becomes thinner and smaller.
The eyebrows slowly descend from their place. It creates a typical aging eye image with sagging of the eyebrows and excess skin in the upper eyelids.
Several different techniques are described in face lift surgeries.
However, in facelift surgeries, successful results are obtained by making a good evaluation in terms of the lower and middle face and choosing the appropriate technique for the patient's problems.
As a result, it is necessary to analyze the anatomical changes developed with the age of the patient and to make a specific surgery plan according to the patient's needs and requirements.
''Special planning for the patient...
Younger and shiny view... ''

Face Lift Techniques
Facelift techniques are classified according to the depth and extent of dissection. They are basically divided into two as Classical facelift techniques and Deep plan facelift techniques.
Classical Techniques
In classical stretching techniques, the SMAS layer under the skin is superficially pulled and sutured. The pulling of the SMAS can be performed by several different methods including plication or imbrication. They are the most common facelift techniques practiced worldwide.
Classic Facelift Technique
Since the ligaments holding the SMAS layer are not treated in classical facelift surgeries, the effects on the cheek and nasolabial folds are very little and the effectiveness of the technique decreases in the long term.
Deep Plane Techniques
Deep plan facelift techniques (Extended SMAS, High SMAS, Deep Plan, Composite Plan and Modified Composite Plan) involve the release of the midface (ZCL and MCL) ligaments and extensive mobilization of the SMAS with malar fat.
The technique that Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerem Sami Kaya mostly applies is the Modified Composite Deep Plan facelift technique.
Effectiveness of Modified Composite Deep Plane Face Lift Technique
This technique safely releases the retaining ligaments. The cheek and mid-face tissues can be repositioned as a result of moving the SMAS layer up and back, creating a natural facelift effect. In addition, the long-term permanence of the facelift effect provided by the deep plan facelift technique is also ensured.
Surgery Process
preparation process
During the preparation process, I evaluate the anatomical changes they complain about in their faces in the video consultation with our overseas patients and patient examinations in the clinic, and explain the necessity of facelift surgery and other complementary facial aesthetic surgeries that can be performed together.
In order to provide a more conscious, healthy and comfortable process, I take photographs and analyze the face of each patient before the surgery.
I also inform you in detail about the processes before and after the planned surgeries.
Communication before and after surgery
As communication resources, I try to help you with both video calls and whatsapp message calls.
24/7 post-operative support
The day before the surgery, we inform you again in my clinic and evaluate your plans.
On the day of your surgery, I will see you in your room and perform your surgery after your final examination. Then I visit you again in your room and remind you about the important points to be followed.
You are followed up at the hospital that day and you are discharged on the same day after I visit you the next day, make your dressing and perform your general examination. In the following processes, you can reach us 24/7 and at the end of the 1st week, your last check is done in our clinic.
Accommodation and Transportation
In case of request of our patients coming from abroad, we provide information about hotels close to our clinic and transportation facilities.